Thursday, May 20, 2010

From Living By The Book...

Shortly after I became a Christian, someone wrote in the flyleaf of my Bible these words: "This book will keep you form sin, or sin will keep you form this book." That was true then and its still true today. Dusty Bibles always lead to dirty lives. In fact, you are either in the word and the word is conforming you to the image of Jesus Christ, or you are int he world and the world is squeezing you into its mold.

It was a sweet reminder after last nights post that the Lord is with me and will work in my life.


Stephanie said...

Glad you were encouraged last night. I know I have a tendency to be lazy in my study too. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I was speaking with some one about this recently. Having kids take so much work that sometimes when I sit down to spend some quiet time, just me and the Lord, I will be so exhausted that I fall asleep. I have now started having my time with Him in the carpool line. I get in line about 45 minutes early, usually both little ones sleep. We as mom's need to pray for each other and encourage each other in their walks with the Lord and be holding each other accountable. Thanks for sharing Kallie, I love that you are so open.